Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal At Q Dental

Wisdom teeth usually make their presence known when one is in their late teens or early twenties. They tend to cause problems if there is insufficient room in the jaw to accommodate them or they erupt at an angle not in line with the other molars or both. These problems are usually apparent when you feel pain, have an infection or only make themselves known when they cause damage and/or decay to the adjacent teeth. In most cases, this means the wisdom tooth/ teeth need to be removed.

Wisdom teeth or third molars at the very back of mouth and are the last set of teeth to erupt, usually between the ages of 17-25. Frequently, there is not enough space in the mouth for them, resulting in an inability to clean them, causing any ,or all of these symptoms :

  • Painful, red or bleeding gums near the wisdom tooth
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Enlarged lymph nodes near the jaw
  • Difficulty opening or swallowing
  • Bad breath

Because of these potential issues, your dentist may recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed.

Ideally, your potential for wisdom tooth problems will be assessed as part of your routine dental examination. It is better to identify these issues before there is damage. However, if this hasn’t been done and you are experiencing the aforementioned symptoms or in your regular check up your dentist identifies that your wisdom teeth are affecting your ability to perform good oral hygiene, decayed or mispositioned, the dentist may advise you have one or multiple wisdom teeth removed.

If you need wisdom teeth removal in Kew, first you will need an OPG x-ray which shows the root structure of your wisdom teeth and surrounding jaw anatomy and will allow the dentist to determine if there is need for surgery and whether your particular case s suitable to be managed under local anaesthetic.

Dr Maraj has extensive training in the field and will meet with you to discuss the procedure and any questions or concerns you may have, check the area of concern and examine your x-ray. Following this, he will either organise a time to remove the wisdom teeth in house or in some cases, he may recommend a referral to have the wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthesia at the hospital.

Having your wisdom teeth removal under local anaesthetic should be done by a skilled clinician. Fortunately our in house surgeon, has now dedicated his practice to wisdom tooth removal, making it his primary focus. As a result, he may be able to better foresee any possible complications or infections that may occur and act preventatively in order to significantly minimise healing time and maximise comfort.

This saves you costs in comparison to seeing an oral maxilla facial surgeon as well as the costs associated with general anaesthesia and its associated risks and the costs and inconvenience of a hospital stay.

If you are anxious about the procedure, an oral sedative can be prescribed to keep you relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. However, there is no need to be nervous, as we will only arrange for wisdom tooth removal at Q Dental if it has been assessed at the consultation that your case is suitable & you will be advised of any risks. So don’t let your friends’ stories get in your head.

Following removal of wisdom teeth, it is common to experience:

  • Bleeding – some oozing is normal after the extraction . Our dentists place an additional dressing in the area along with the normal gauze in order to help control bleeding
  • Discomfort – it is common to experience mild to moderate discomfort at the extraction site which can usually be managed by over the counter pain relievers
  • Limited mouth opening – at times, you may experience jaw stiffness and have a bit of difficulty opening your mouth for the first few days after the extractions
  • Bruising – bruising around the extraction sites or the cheeks may occur but is usually temporary and self resolves
  • Dry Socket – a dry socket is when the blood clot that forms in the extraction site becomes dislodged. This can cause severe pain and delayed healing. Following your dentist’s instructions carefully about how to care for the area and avoiding smoking, using a straw and vigorous rinsing will help prevent a dry socket. In the event that it does occur however, call the clinic and we will book you in for a check- up and the dentist will re-dress the area to promote healing.

Whilst discomfort is common after wisdom tooth removal, most patients make a full recovery within a few days following the treatment with careful care and attention to the dentist’s instructions.

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